Li'l Bang 'Red Elf' Coreopsis has large, deep pink petals that contrast starkly with its own sunny yellow centers. Staying under a foot in height, this brilliant beauty is perfect to tuck, here and there and anywhere you need a splash of reliable color. Use Coreopsis LiÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ____ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ____ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__Ì_åÇÌÎÌ_ÌÎÌ_ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__?l Bang 'Red Elf' among spring blooming perennials or broader leaved plants where its elaborate foliage will add a supply of fluffy textural variance throughout the growing season.